Zhou Zihang


Beihang University
Bachelor | Computer Science & Technology
2019 - 2023
National University of Singapore
Master | Computer Engineering
2023 - Now


Programming Languages: C, Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, Swift, Verilog

Frameworks & Tools: React Django MySQL Nginx TypeScript TailWindCSS TensorFlow


Musician and Genre Analysis Research
Meritorious Winner in the MCM/ICM 2021

  • Constructed adjacency lists describing the music influence network topology of musicians, establishing relationships between influencers and followers through weighted directed paths. Computed the music influence value for each musician using DFS recursion
  • Combined graph networks with mathematical modeling to calculate musician similarity using cosine similarity and music feature influence using Pearson correlation coefficient

New York City Taxi Fare Analysis & Music Preference Analysis
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University Big Data & Machine Learning Project

  • Employed SVM, XGBoost, deep neural networks, and more for data analysis

Long-term wind prediction in wind farm areas based on machine learning
Graduation Project at BUAA

  • Implemented wind speed long-term forecasting using a deep neural network based on LSTM

PetCharm Pet Platform
Backend Development (Django & MySQL)

  • Built a database system using MySQL
  • Developed backend APIs using Django based on the MVC model, utilizing Nginx and uwsgi reverse proxy
  • Implemented secure login using session and cookie mechanisms, set up email verification and object storage systems

Campus Takeaway Delivery Platform
Backend Development (Django & MySQL)

  • Similar to Petcharm

Personal Website
Frontend Development

  • Built personal website using React and TypeScript, enhanced with TailwindCSS

PCode Compiler
Java Development

  • Performed lexical analysis, syntax analysis, error handling, and generated Pcode code using finite automata, recursive descent, and other methods

Verilog Development

  • Implemented a 5-stage pipeline CPU based on MIPS instruction set using Verilog

Swift Development

  • Developed iOS apps for diary, book, movie records

IoT Monitor
Swift Development

  • IoT device control using Swift and SwiftUI. Used HTTP to call backend APIs for real-time information and control of IoT devices

AtTackCraft - A Minecraft Server
Java Development

  • Ran a Minecraft server with 100+ players
  • Developed plugins (GuildManager, MedalCabinet...) for the server using Java and Spigot API
  • Optimized the server performance and fixed bugs